Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Factory Management Institute

An excellent website for learning production management, Lean/Toyota Production System, etc. from Sensei Koichi Kimura.

"Sensei Koichi Kimura worked in the Production Gemba for 40 years at SUMITOMO Corp., in which he developed the factory management systems together with the pioneers of these systems in TOYOTA, HONDA, etc. 

Since 2010 he has been transmitting and developing this knowledge in more than 11 countries around the world, in lectures and conferences that he distributes directly to his students worldwide, and now through the Factory Management Institute website and Internet Archive.

Sensei Koichi Kimura is the root of the knowledge that The Factory Management Institute spreads for free.

The motto chosen by Sensei Koichi Kimura is his path to excellence within the Factory Management Institute, and which summarizes his statement of his philosophy is: "Contribute to the world's factories with the best factory management system"


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